
Command line tool to handle KernelCI data

The kci_data tool is mainly used to submit kernel build meta-data and test results to the KernelCI backend. It is still a work in progress, as the majority of native test results are being sent via the LAVA callback mechanism which bypasses kci_data with the current implementation.

The db-configs.yaml file contains configuration for all the KernelCI databases that may be used with kci_data. They all have an API type, currently only kernelci_backend is supported but this may change as new ones get added. In particular, KCIDB may be added there as a consolidation with the kcidb command line tools. The backend used with native tests is also planned to get redesigned from scratch as the project keeps evolving, so that would be a new API type too.


Typically, database APIs require some authentication token. The ideal way to handle this is to use the settings file with an entry for each db config to use. While the db-configs.yaml configuration will include general configuration information, the settings file is user-specific. For example, when using a kernelci_backend instance locally, the token can be stored as such in the settings file:


Note: At the moment, the api setting (or --api command line argument) also needs to be provided even though it’s effectively the same thing as the url parameter in db-configs.yaml. This is a legacy from before kci_data was created, and it will eventually be dropped. In the meantime, both need to be provided with the same API URL.

Submitting build meta-data

One common kci_data use-case is to submit the meta-data associated with a kernel build. This includes all the JSON files created by kci_build. It requires either the kdir argument for a local build to find the JSON meta-data in the default _install_ directory, or output if the files were stored elsewhere. With the database API token and URL stored in the settings file as explained in the previous section, here’s a typical command line:

./kci_data submit_build --db-config=localhost --kdir=linux

See also the example in the kci_build documentation.

Submitting test results

Test results can be submitted arbitrarily using kci_data. It takes a JSON file with the results, for example:

    "job": "mainline",
    "git_branch": "master",
    "git_commit": "d012a7190fc1fd72ed48911e77ca97ba4521bccd",
    "kernel" : "v5.9-rc2",

    "build_environment": "gcc-10",
    "arch": "arm64",
    "defconfig": "defconfig",
    "defconfig_full": "defconfig",

    "lab_name": "gtucker-kci-data",
    "device_type": "qemu",

    "name": "v4l2-compliance-vivid",
    "test_cases": [
            "name": "device-presence",
            "status": "PASS"
    "sub_groups": [
            "name": "Buffer-ioctls-Input-0",
            "test_cases": [
                    "name": "VIDIOC_EXPBUF",
                    "status": "PASS"
                    "name": "Requests",
                    "status": "FAIL"
    "log": "Fake log\nJust some text\nNo parsing"

The schema allows a series of test cases with nested sub-groups which can also include test cases.

When stored in a file e.g. kci-data-v4l2-sample-results.json, a typical command to submit the results would be:

./kci_data submit_test --db-config=staging.kernelci.org --data-file=kci-data-v4l2-sample-results.json
{"code":201,"reason":"Test group 'v4l2-compliance-vivid' created","result":[{"_id":{"$oid":"5f44b88fd6ae1367ab1d3e5d"}}]}

The results can now be seen on the staging dashboard:
Results for v4l2-compliance-vivid: «v5.9-rc2» on «qemu»

The example above was run with --db-config=staging.kernelci.org which implies having an API token for the KernelCI staging API. This was useful to be able to show the results on the web dashboard. The same command can be run with a local instance using --db-config=localhost.

Creating new API user (experimental)

We can create users for the new KernelCI API using kci_data. This is still under development and it’s not used in production by KernelCI.

An API token with admin permissions is required in order to do this, please see the documentation about how to create one.

For security reasons, instead of providing --db-token from the command line we can add db_token in the settings file e.g. kernelci.conf:



Here’s a sample command to create a regular user:

./kci_data create_user --username test --password test --db-config api

To create an admin user, add the --is-admin argument:

./kci_data create_user --username admin --password admin --db-config api --is-admin
Last modified August 4, 2021