Developer Documentation

KernelCI Pipeline developer manual

Enabling a new Kernel tree

We can monitor different kernel trees in KernelCI. This manual describes how to enable them in kernelci-pipeline.

Pipeline configuration

The pipeline configuration file has trees section. In order to enable a new tree, we need to add an entry there.

        url: "<tree-url>"

For example,

        url: ""

After adding a trees entry, we need to define build configurations for it. In the same configuration file, build_configs section is there to specify them. For example, we need to specify which branch to monitor of a particular tree and other build variants as well.

For instance,


        tree: kernelci
        branch: 'staging-mainline'
                build_environment: gcc-10
                        base_defconfig: 'x86_64_defconfig'
                            - regex: { defconfig: 'x86_64_defconfig' }

That’s it! The tree is enabled now. All the jobs defined under jobs section of config file would run on the newly added tree until specified otherwise.

Enabling a new test

KernelCI currently runs several test suites. This manual is intended to provide documentation for developers on how to enable new tests.

Job definition

The pipeline configuration file has jobs section for defining various build and test jobs. The currently enabled tests are kver, baseline, kunit, kselftest, and sleep tests. ChromeOS specific job definitions are located in config/jobs-chromeos.yaml file.

To enable a new test, an entry needs to be added as follows:

    template: <job-template>
    kind: <kind of job, either 'kbuild', 'job' or 'test'>
    image: <docker-image-name>
    params: <parameters such as arch, compiler, defconfig>
    rules: <job-rules>
    kcidb_test_suite: <kcidb-mapping>

Here is the description of each field:

  • A jinja2 template should be added to config/runtime directory. The template will be used to generate test definition.
  • kind field denotes type of the job. It should be kbuild for build jobs, job for a test suite, and simply test for a single test case.
  • image field specifies the Docker image used for building and running the test. Please note that this field is optional. Some jobs such as LAVA test jobs use image defined in the test definition template instead.
  • params includes parameters used for building the kernel (for kbuild job) or running the test, such as architecture, compiler, defconfig option, job timeout, etc.
  • rules will define job rules. If the test should be scheduled for specific kernel tree, branch, or version, these rules can be defined in this section.
  • kcidb_test_suite is a field used to map KernelCI test suite name with KCIDB test. Build jobs (with kind: kbuild) do not require this field.

Please have a look at config/pipeline.yaml and config/jobs-chromeos.yaml files to check currently added job definitions for reference.

Schedule the job

We also need a scheduler entry for the newly added job to specify pre-conditions for scheduling and define runtime and platforms for job submissions.

For example,

    - job: <job-name>
      event: <API-pubsub-event>
        type: <runtime-type>
        name: <runtime-name>
        - <device-type>

Here is the description of each field:

  • job field specifies the job name, which must match the name used in the jobs section
  • event specifies the API PubSub event triggering the test scheduling. For example, if the test requires a build job such as kbuild-gcc-10-arm64 to be successfully completed, specify the event as follows:
    channel: node
    name: kbuild-gcc-10-arm64
    result: pass
  • Choose a runtime for scheduling and running the job. Currently supported runtimes are shell, docker, lava, and kubernetes. Select a runtime type from runtimes section. Please note that name property is required for lava and k8s runtimes to specify which lab/k8s context should run the test as number of LAVA labs such as BayLibre, Collabora, Qualcomm and k8s contexts have been enabled in KernelCI.
  • platforms will include a list of device types on which the test should run. It should match entries defined in platforms section such as qemu-x86, bcm2711-rpi-4-b, and so on.

That’s pretty much it. After following the above steps, run your pipeline instance and you are good to go with your newly added test!

Last modified June 18, 2024