
Overall API & Pipeline design

API architecture

The main building blocks of the API are put together this way:

graph TD
  pubsub(Pub/Sub) --- api
  redis(Redis) --- pubsub
  models(Pydantic) --- api
  db(MongoDB) --- models


  api --> client
  storage --> client

The client component can be a number of things. Each pipeline step is a client, and there could be extra standalone ones too. They interact via the API and the storage services separately. By default, storage is provided by SSH for uploads and HTTP for downloads for standalone deployments using docker-compose. Production deployments may use alternative solutions as long as all the binaries are accessible via direct HTTP URLs.

Why a new API?

The new KernelCI API is a complete redesign to replace the legacy backend used in production, which has several limitations. In particular, the previous backend API:

  • was written in Python 2.7, which has now reached end-of-life
  • has a monolithic design with many built-in features (regression tracking, email reports, parsing test results directly from LAVA labs…)
  • uses Celery for asynchronous request handling, whereas modern Python can do this natively
  • has no pub/sub mechanism, orchestration relies on an external framework (i.e. Jenkins)

To overcome these limitations, the new API has the following characteristics:

  • based on FastAPI to provide native asynchronous request handling, data model validation using Pydantic, automatically generated documentation with OpenAPI. See also the OpenAPI JSON description.
  • Pub/Sub mechanism via the API, with Redis to manage message queues. This can now be used to coordinate client-side functions and recreate a full modular pipeline with no additional framework
  • CloudEvent for the formatting of Pub/Sub events
  • is written for Python 3.10
  • relies on JWT and OAuth 2.0 authentication for inter-operability with other services
  • treats storage entirely separately from the API which purely handles data. Several storage solutions can be supported, such as SSH for self-contained systems, AzureFiles, and S3 for Cloud deployments etc.

A few things aren’t changing:

  • MongoDB has been used with the first backend for several years and is providing good results. We might just move it to a Cloud-based hosting such as Atlas for the future deployment.
  • Redis is still being used internally as in-memory database for various features in addition to the pub/sub channels

Pipeline design

Here’s a simplified view of the current pipeline:

graph LR
  trigger(Trigger) --> new{New <br /> kernel?}
  new --> |yes| tarball(Tarball)
  new -.-> |no| trigger
  tarball --> |event: <br /> new revision| scheduler(Test <br /> Scheduler)
  scheduler --> |event: <br /> test running| runtime(Runtime <br /> Environment)
  runtime --> |event: <br /> test complete| email(Email <br /> Report)

Each step is a client for the API and related storage solutions. They are all implemented in Python, rely on the KernelCI Core tools and run in a separate docker-compose container. Here’s a summary of each step:


The Trigger step periodically checks whether a new kernel revision has appeared on a number of git branches. It first gets the revision checksum (SHA-1) from the top of the branch from the remote git repo and then queries the API to check whether it has already been covered. If there’s no revision entry with this checksum in the API, it then pushes a new checkout one with “running” state.


The Tarball step listens for pub/sub events about new revisions or checkout nodes. When one is received, typically because the trigger pushed a new one to the API, it then updates a local git checkout of the full kernel source tree. Then it makes a tarball with the source code and pushes it to the storage. Finally, it sends an update to the checkout node to the API with the URL of the tarball added to the list of artifacts and the status set to “available”.


The Scheduler step listens for a variety of pub/sub events and then looks for matches in the scheduler YAML configuration. Every time an event matches an entry in the config, it will send a new node with the “running” state to the API and submit a job in the designated runtime environment.

Note: It’s then up to the job itself to send the results to the API and any files to storage. The scheduler doesn’t track the status of submitted jobs, however the system’s timeout feature will update the status of nodes that reach their timeout value.

Runtime Environment

Jobs are all the concrete parts of the actual pipeline payload: preparing some source files, running static checks, building the kernel, running functional tests on real hardware, checking regressions, post-processing the test results etc. They get run in Runtime environments.

Runtime environments could be anything that can run a job. Currently, it can be a local shell, a local Docker container, a Kubernetes cluster or a LAVA lab. Additional Runtime implementations could be on-demand VMs in GCE, LabGrid and maybe SSH. It’s of course possible to create custom ones for particular use-cases.

Email Report

The current implementation for email reports is very minimalist. This pipeline step just listens for events about kernel revisions being done, then sends an email to a fixed recipient with the top-level results and details about any test failures. Here’s an example (you’ll notice a few inconsistencies, work in progress…):

[STAGING] mainline/master v6.5-11329-g708283abf896: 4 runs 0 failures


Tree:     mainline
Branch:   master
Describe: v6.5-11329-g708283abf896
SHA1:     708283abf896dd4853e673cc8cba70acaf9bf4ea

Name              | Result   | Total    | Failures
kver              | pass     |        0 |        0
kbuild-gcc-10-x86 | pass     |        5 |        0
kunit             | None     |        0 |        0
kunit-x86_64      | pass     |      104 |        2

Failing tests


* exec.example.example_skip_test # SKIP this test should be skipped
* exec.example.example_mark_skipped_test # SKIP this test should be skipped
Last modified May 29, 2024